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Board of Finance 04/26/2010 Minutes
April 26, 2010


Chairman Harrison called the meeting to order at 7:28 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Chamber at the Avon Town Hall.  Members present:  Margaret Bratton, Catherine Durdan, Thomas Gugliotti, William Hooper and Brett Eisenlohr.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ms. Durdan.


There were none.

IV.     MINUTES OF PRECEDING MEETINGS:  March 22, 2010; April 5, 2010 Public Hearing; April 7, 2010 Budget Workshop

Several edits were made to the March 22, 2010 and April 7, 2010 minutes.

On a motion by Ms. Bratton, seconded by Ms. Durdan, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance approve the minutes of March 22, 2010 and April 7, 2010 as amended and the minutes of April 5, 2010 as written.
Messrs. Harrison, Hooper, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  


        09/10-12        Review and Discussion:  FY 10/11 Budget

Chairman Harrison stated that he has forwarded a schedule of upcoming meetings to the Board of Finance members in case the referendum does not pass on May 12th.  He will also forward this schedule to the Board of Education and Town Council members.  If the budget does not pass, there is a second and third referendum already scheduled, although the other dates for workshops have not been scheduled.  Mr. Eisenlohr suggested changing the time to 7p.m. in order to keep the hearings and workshops consistent.

On the night of the referendum, Chairman Harrison stated that the Tax Collector will be giving the Board of Finance members a suspense presentation.  Mr. Robertson, Town Manager, stated that he will have tables set up at the far end of the Senior Center for the Board of Finance’s meeting after the referendum.  The church across the street will also be available for overflow parking if necessary.  


        09/10-21        Supplemental Appropriation, Sewer Use Fund, $117,786.44

Mr. Robertson stated that this is work that Simsbury began for the south pump station in August of 2008.  He stated that this is a major feed from Avon into the Simsbury system.  The engineers met and came up with an allocation formula for Avon to pay their share, which is 22.43% of the project cost.  He stated that this funding will come out of the Sewer Fund and not the General Fund.  Mr. Robertson stated that the Town Council did approve this supplemental appropriation and he recommends that the
Board of Finance do the same.  

Mr. Eisenlohr stated that it makes more sense for the Town of Avon to know ahead of time regarding issue concerning Avon and other Towns so this can be budgeted for.  

On a motion by Ms. Bratton, seconded by Mr. Hooper, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance hereby appropriates a sum not to exceed $117,786.44 from Sewer Fund, Other Financing Sources, Undesignated Fund Balance Account #05-0390-43913 and transfer from Sewer Fund, Other Financing Uses, Interfund Transfers-Out Account #05-8700-58000 To Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures Fund, CNREF:  Town, South Road Pump Station (Avon 22.43%), Account #03-4930-53389 and Capital and Nonrecurring Expenditures Fund, Other Financing Sources, Interfund Operating Transfers-In Account #03-0390-43918 in the amount of $117,786.44 for the purpose of reimbursing the Town of Simsbury Water Pollution Control Authority for rehabilitation of the South Road Pump Station per the inter-town agreement.
This is to certify that there are sufficient Undesignated Fund Balance resources to finance the following appropriation.
The sum of $117,786.44 from the Town’s Undesignated Fund Balance Account #05-0390-43913 Sewer Fund, Other Financing Sources, Undesignated Fund Balance.
Messrs. Harrison, Hooper, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  

09/10-22        Transfer of Appropriation to State and Federal Education Grants Fund, $175,861

Ms. Colligan stated that this is a pass through that the State of Connecticut received from the Federal government.  The State is now passing it through to the Municipalities.  As part of this process, the State reduced their ECS revenue, which usually goes into the General Fund.  She stated that the Town of Avon was advised by the auditors to segregate these funds.  They are requesting to move this revenue and the accompanying expenditure out of the General Fund over into the Federal and State Grant component.  Ms. Colligan stated that there will not be any impact to the Board of Education budget; this is just a reclassification.    

On a motion by Mr. Hooper, seconded by Mr. Eisenlohr, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance hereby approves a transfer of appropriation from General Fund, Intergovernmental, Equalized Cost Sharing (ECS), Account #01-0330-43341, and General Fund, Board of Education, General Service, Account #01-9401-52185, and General Fund, Board of Education, Interfund Transfer Out, Account #01-9401-58000 in the amount of $175,861 to State and Federal Education Grants, Intergovernmental, Equalized Cost Sharing (ECS), Account #13-0330-43341, and State and Federal Education Grants, Board of Education, ARRA Stabilization Gov. Serv. State, Account #13-9401-59202, and State and Federal Education Grants, Other Financing Sources, Interfund Operating Transfers In, Account #13-0390-43918 in the amount of $175,861 for the purpose of accounting for the Federal SFSF funds under ARRA through the ECS entitlement per the recommendation of the auditors.
Messrs. Harrison, Hooper, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  


Mr. Robertson stated that he does not know anything more about the Bond Commission meeting regarding the library project.  The Town is on track to complete the construction documents and put the project out to bid, although these plans have been put on hold.  The Town Council would like to put this project on hold until they hear from the State.

Mr. Robertson stated that the Town did receive an appraisal for the Severni property.  He will be speaking with the Town Council in Executive Session regarding this issue at their meeting on May 6th.  

Mr. Robertson stated that they continue to prepare for the upcoming Town meeting on May 3rd.


There was no need for Executive Session.


On a motion by Ms. Durdan, seconded by Ms. Bratton, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance adjourn at 7:45 p.m.
Messrs. Harrison, Hooper, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  

                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                Thomas A. Gugliotti, Secretary

Attest:  Alison Sturgeon, Clerk